Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring 09 - time for something new

So I'm bringing the blog back. It's Spring, 2009 and I feel like a new beginning is needed. I really think we should begin new years in the springtime. There's no motivation to plan new things, live life inspired when it's 10 degrees outside and snowing. I suppose that would only really matter to areas affected by that kind of weather in January, but still. Wouldn't we all have more motivation to stick to our resolutions if it was 75 and sunny and sometime in April?
So something new.

So - I've done some new things already this year. Nothing too dramatic for most, but for me it's pretty extreme. Things like, try to be friends with people in my town instead of be hermit-like and anti-social. Other things like choreograph a show. Can you really imagine me teaching moves to a song in a musical? I am. That's pretty extreme.

So - Another new thing: get a passport. And a visa to China and Taiwan. pretty cool stuff.

So here's to new things, new experiences and new(ish) blogs.

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